Opening and Closing ceremonies

Olympic Processing was a little less chaotic than than my previous three Olympic experiences. Athletes used to be issued shopping carts and funneled down corridors where vendors threw clothes and gear at you. This time around the process was much more calm and there was ample time to actually try things on and make sure they fit. I got pictures of myself in my opening and closing ceremony gear. A few alterations were made later.  One of which was to remove the tag covering part of my face.





I have now been in the Olympic Village for two nights and everything is going smoothly.  There is a good variety of quality food available at the dining hall and I have had no glucose issues.

I did a set of light intervals this morning and felt good doing them.  The weather and conditions have been perfect and I hope they hold.  Much has been made about how hilly the courses are and how difficult they will be to race on.  However from my experience courses are only as hard as the pace you are skiing.  Sometimes the pace feels easy and sometimes it is unattainable.  On the days when the pace feels calm the course seems to flatten out (although Ida’s GPS said she hit 45mph on the one descent today).

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