Branbury Classic
I had a solid race today at the Branbury Classic in Brandon Vermont. The event was a triathlon that consisted of a 1.5 mile kayak, 14.3 mile bike and 3.1 mile run. It was held in conjunction with a traditional sprint triathlon that swapped the kayak for a .6 mile swim.
My bike speed average was 25.3 mph and my run was at 5:45 per mile pace. Despite the paddle being a few minutes longer I still had the fastest time of the day in 1:03:13. I raised my basal insulin from .7-1.0 units 3 hours before the race and kept it there for the duration of the event. My glucose was 100 fifteen minutes prior to race start. I consumed 8 ounces (15 gram carb) of UnTapped Sports Drink. I drank an additional 8 ounces of UnTapped as I started the run. My Glucose was 200 at the finish. I did not carry my Dexcom as I did not want to take the time to look at it.