After taking some easy days at home I ramped up the intensity in my training and cut the volume way down. I have had very good short term improvement in my performance using this method in the past. With a little over a month to the Olympics it is time to start getting the most out of my body.
I planned a low key race at the Craftsbury Vermont Opener last weekend but it was canceled due to the ice storm. I am not one to be deterred by weather so I recruited Pat O’brien from the Green team to help me clear debris from the race course so we could do intervals together with my coach Zach. We did 5 times 2.2kms at above race pace with a one minute recovery between intervals. We thought we were done after the 5th, but Zach made us do a surprise 6th interval after taking five minutes of recovery. The last rep was my fastest. I have never done intervals while ducking to dodge heavy ice coated branches and swerving to skid around fallen trees. It was pretty fun.
Two days later I followed up the session with another max effort intensity and felt better than I have all year.